Seperation Problems- Triple P Group Discussion

Watertown Public Library Community Room 100 S Water St., Watertown, WI, United States

TP Group Discussion WCF Fall 23 All children have to learn to cope with temporary separations from their parents. Learning to be apart can be difficult for parents and children. However, parents need time to themselves occasionally and children benefit from spending time with other people. Shyness around new people and anxiety about separation from […]

Triple P- Parenting Course

Fall 2023 Level 4 TP The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program’s simple, practical strategies have been proven to work around the world. There are five classroom sessions and three (15-30 minute) individual consultations as you try your selected strategies (Phone/ Zoom). Triple P makes positive, effective parenting a habit! Learn the causes of the […]

Protective Factors Training-Intro to Protective Factors and Knowledge of Parenting

Watertown Public Library Community Room 100 S Water St., Watertown, WI, United States

There is extensive research linking healthy child development to effective parenting. Children thrive when parents provide not only affection but also respectful communication and listening consistent rules and expectations, and safe opportunities that promote independence. Successful parenting fosters psychological adjustment, helps children succeed in school, encourages curiosity about the world, and motivates children to achieve. […]

Triple P Group SERIES

Watertown Public Library Community Room 100 S Water St., Watertown, WI, United States

Parents wanting to learn all the Triple P strategies will have the opportunity to create personalized parent plans, and learn from & share positive parenting strategies with others. Registration is required. Limited child care space is available. CLICK HERE to register on Eventbrite.

Triple P Group SERIES

Watertown Public Library Community Room 100 S Water St., Watertown, WI, United States

Parents wanting to learn all the Triple P strategies will have the opportunity to create personalized parent plans, and learn from & share positive parenting strategies with others. Registration is required. Limited child care space is available. CLICK HERE to register on Eventbrite.

Triple P Group SERIES

Parents wanting to learn all the Triple P strategies will have the opportunity to create personalized parent plans, and learn from & share positive parenting strategies with others. Registration is required. Limited child care space is available. CLICK HERE to register on Eventbrite.